Gautam Ghosh

a color field of violet and on its fringes
two worlds, a copy in becoming and
a virtual ideal. The ideal first –
two registers: one showing four index birds
turned towards the color field like hieroglyphs of horus
though they could equally be a pack of parrots
and as with all foursomes, a dark outlier,
same but other and mysterious leader.
behind it looms a form, a formation of fire
spirit of the grey wolf guarding the ways, rearing like a predator,
though it could as well be a fairy princess.
This is the dynamic ideal, the other is the static:
the four birds separate and together with the fifth
harmonized around an idea, a fire-hieroglyph.
at the corner in an off-shade of the field
is the blown-up bindu, portal, yoni, worm-hole –
or seen objectively as idea, gnosis-fruit
carried on a duality-tray.
then the copy-in-becoming – the birds again,
in what seems three registers or two
and a transition station in-between.
these two registers of the actual
replicate the technical inscriptions of the virtual
in a dimension of becoming
in which each structure is rendered fuzzy
in a sumi-e of random ink,
meaning the plural becomings of the arche-ideas
(and there being no sign of it is not a proof of its absence:
an invisible stirring in each index of true freedom
freedom exceeding models).
beyond these registers is the signature of chaos
the fire of becoming not a replica but an equal of ideal being
and maybe prior, traveler of the worlds
swan of the supreme and spaceless ethers
wandering winged through the universe
spirit immortal
rose of ideal beauty, rose of god
free – perhaps the same freedom surmised above in each individual,
the fire of evolution alight in consciousness of becoming,
the negentropic dimension
uniting subject and object, the what and the who
a deferred difference a la derrida
which is becoming as play, in its own truth,
self-chosen by a player who wished to play with their plurality
along an evolutionary scale through an archeology of consciousness
built of fire, an alchemical cosmos of self-alchemists.
the self as alchemist in selves opens the discipline
of the relations of spirit and matter, or spirituality and magic,
the evolutionary self-becoming and person-making.