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The Promise of the Future #1

Originally posted on by Ron Anastasia on Sun 05 Jun 2005 10:42 AM PDT  

From: "Debashish Banerji" <ewcc@...>
Date: Sun Jun 5, 2005  10:42 am
Subject: AUM 2005 - The Promise of the Future

Since circumstances have conspired to make it impossible to put out a new issue of the Jyoti online journal of late, and since AUM2005 is just around the corner, I am posting here independently the lead article meant for the new Jyoti by Richard Carlson. It will be included once more in the upcoming issue (whenever that appears). I hope this article, "The Promise of the Future" introduces readers of Jyoti to the scope of the present AUM and serves as an invitation to attend it. Information regarding AUM2005 may be found on
Debashish Banerji,
Editor, Jyoti.
