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the magician and mcluhan

Originally posted on by Rich Carlson on Thu 08 Dec 2005 09:38 PM PST  

 If we play with Marshall McLuhan’s notion that technological advances serve to turn the human consciousness inside out and contrast this with the perspective of integral yoga on the future evolution of consciousness please consider:

Cloths are an outering of the skin

The wheel the outering of the foot

Print an outering of the word

Electronic media an outering of the central nervous system

Cloning would be an outering of our individual DNA

But all this solves nothing for the yogi, for the yogi the challenge is to outer the psychic being. And for this the inner technologies of choice are austerity, aspiration, sincerity, surrender

All sufficiently advanced technology may as A.C. Clarke suggests be just like magic, and the engineer the occult scientist, but who is the Mage here?

Sri Aurobindo writes: 
“It is the magic of the Magician you are trying to analyze, but only when you enter into the consciousness of the Magician himself can you begin to experience the true origination, significance and circles of the Lila”

The source codes of the most beautiful Devis as well as the most frightful Asuras are being outsourced at this moment to engineers all over the globe. But the consciousness of the Magician remains hidden from the spinner of the code, and those who seek to control it. Sealed from those fakirs of the virtual class are the secrets of the Magician who wills being into authenticity. Absent a will to authenticity, technology scripts simulations of reality in the binary codes of command and control, calculated by the algorithms driving a will to power .

So to outer the collective vital and mind through electronic media, the internet, wireless technology and the physical body itself through bio-technologies of recombinant DNA and cloning without first outering the psychic being to lead the whole evolutionary advance seems a bit dangerous.

So if we as a species are turning ourselves inside out, if our physical (bio-technology) vital (electronic central nervous system) and mental (world wide web and wireless noosphere) instruments are now being extended into the world, Who shall outer the psychic being to take charge of the advance, of our terrestrial evolution and post-human future?

One never knows about unintended consequences but, without the psychic being to guide the consciousness of the magicians engaged in conjuring up their technological magic, the advance of planetary culture is being led by an unseen force of  will. Historically this will to technological advance is spurred by the oligarchy or military with their (vulgar) will to power (the asura of death?) or the entrepreneur or global corporation with their (vulgar) will to profit (the asura of falsehood?) While the magician’s knowledge cannot be possessed by will - as knowledge is the secret source of will -  the will to technology can possesses the souls of men.
One however never knows about unintended consequences.....
