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The Spiritual Cinema Circle

Originally posted on by Ron Anastasia on Thu 12 Oct 2006 10:21 PM PDT  

The Spiritual Cinema Circle

Start your free trial now!

Jack Canfield

"It's not often you can combine entertainment with personal growth but that is exactly what The Spiritual Cinema Circle offers. These engaging films provide important messages about life, love and the world we live in."

- Jack Canfield, co-author of the bestselling

You may be missing this year's most visionary and inspiring movies because many are never released. Mainstream Hollywood distributors simply don't believe there is an audience for these kinds of films. Yet, as we all know, there is an audience-- it is us.

The Spiritual Cinema Circle exists in order to provide you with entertaining movies that will:

  • - Awaken your sense of joy and wonder
  • - Inspire love and compassion
  • - Evoke a deeper connection with the universe around you

How It Works

Each month, as a Spiritual Cinema Circle member, you will receive 4 uplifting and inspiring films on high quality DVDs.

Unlike rental services:

  • - The movies are yours to keep
  • - You never have to return anything
  • - You can watch your favorites time and again
  • - You are building a library of inspiring movies

Your first month of movies is absolutely FREE. Start your membership here.

Deepak Chopra

"The Spiritual Cinema Circle provides a great service if you want to evolve and be entertained."

- Deepak Chopra, M.D., bestselling author of The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success

Gary Zukav

"I love movies, but the movies I get from The Spiritual Cinema Circle love me."

- Gary Zukav, author of The Seat of the Soul

Start your free trial now!
