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The new 'Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics,' in Waterloo, Canada

Originally posted on by Ron Anastasia on Sat 07 Oct 2006 03:08 PM PDT  

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Welcome to “Explore Our Universe”, an open invitation to share with Perimeter Institute researchers the excitement of probing some of the deepest mysteries of how our universe works.

This section will be under continual development and we welcome suggestions or comments from all visitors to the site. As a start:

The overall goal of this section is to make the sometimes bizarre and abstract ideas in theoretical physics accessible to as many people as possible. Our collective understanding of the universe is one of human kind’s greatest achievements—one that should be shared and celebrated by all, not just the “experts”.

You will find expositions of some of the amazing things we do know about our universe, but equally importantly, descriptions of what we don’t know—the deep questions that are engaging some of the brightest minds in theoretical physics today. This material is intended to be of interest to students, teachers and indeed anyone wanting a more in depth appreciation for and understanding of the nature of our universe at its most foundational level.
