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evolve: A global community center for conscious evolution

Originally posted on by Ron Anastasia on Mon 18 Sep 2006 12:13 AM PDT  

Humanity is undergoing a period of rapid transformation at every level — spiritual, social, and scientific/technological. At this time of accelerated change there is a need for the connecting, coordinating, and integrating of individual and organizational initiatives working on behalf of balanced, ethical, and life-enhancing evolution for humanity and Earth.

This is the mission of EVOLVE: a Global Community Center for Conscious Evolution — to serve as a central resource hub for individuals and communities worldwide that are choosing to embrace and apply the emerging principles, tools and templates of cocreative self and social conscious evolution.

EVOLVE has four main sections:


Each of the sections offers a variety of features and benefits which are described in the following pages.




© 2003 Foundation for Conscious Evolution. All Rights Reserved.
