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Prof. Suarez-Villa’s website on the rise of technocapitalism

Originally posted on by Ron Anastasia on Thu 11 Jan 2007 04:06 PM PST  

Thanks to RY Deshpande for the reference to Prof. Suarez-Villa’s website on the rise of technocapitalism:

INTRODUCTION: What is technocapitalism ?

Technocapitalism is a new form of market capitalism that is rooted in technological invention and innovation.  It can be considered an emerging era, now in its early stage, that is supported by such intangibles as creativity and knowledge.

Intangibles are at the core of technocapitalism.  Creativity and knowledge are to technocapitalism what tangible raw materials, factory labor and capital were to industrial capitalism.  During industrial capitalism, tangible resources acquired the greatest value, as factory production, repetitive labor and massive output ruled the day.  In the emerging technocapitalist era, however, those material resources are becoming secondary in importance.

Intangibles are therefore vital for technocapitalism.  Creativity and knowledge are the most valuable resources of this emerging new era.  They, for example, already account for as much as three-quarters of the value of most products and services in existence, and that proportion is bound to increase over time.  In contrast, the material resources that were most valuable for industrial capitalism are losing value relative to those intangibles in most every product or service.

New economic activities are emerging that are representative of technocapitalism.  Biotechnology, nanotechnology, bioinformatics, software design, genomics, molecular computing and biorobotics, for example, are likely to be hallmarks of the twenty-first century, as electronics and aerospace were in the twentieth.  This new ecology of activities and sectors is more reliant on creativity and knowledge than any of the old industries of industrial capitalism. ...




Prof. Suarez-Villa’s website on the rise of technocapitalism

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