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Esalen Center for Theory & Research

Originally posted on by Ron Anastasia on Fri 05 Jan 2007 02:48 PM PST  

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About Esalen: Our Mission and History

Mission Statement

The Esalen Center for Theory & Research supports essential philosophic, academic, and research aims of the Esalen Institute. It evaluates frontier inquiry, creates networks of pioneering individuals, and works to catalyze new discoveries that promote personal and social transformation. It carries forward projects at the growing edge of philosophy, psychology, comparative religious studies, education, sociology, somatics, the arts, ecology, and related disciplines that bear upon transformative practice and the continued evolution of humankind. Among these projects are an archive of extraordinary human functioning and a bibliography of scientific research on meditation.

Esalen History

Esalen was founded in 1962 by Michael Murphy and Richard Price as an educational center for the exploration of unrealized human capacities. It soon became known for its blend of East/West philosophies, its experiential workshops, the steady influx of leading philosophers, psychologists, artists, and religious thinkers, and its breathtaking grounds blessed with natural hot springs. Once home to a Native American tribe known as the Esselen, Esalen is situated on some 200 acres of spectacular Big Sur coastline with the Santa Lucia Mountains rising sharply behind.

The Esalen Institute has often been in the public spotlight, most notably for its role in encouraging new understandings of human nature in the sixties and initiating citizen diplomacy with the Soviet Union in the eighties. However, it has also sponsored an array of programs out of the public eye, some of which have had far-reaching effects. The following, though by no means complete, highlights some of these initiatives. Click on a topic for detail.

Evolutionary Theory
Economics and Globalization
International Relations
Empirical Study of Frontier Topics
Physics and Consciousness
Sports Psychology
Integral Practice
Intuition/Psychical Phenomena
Creativity & Imagination
Social Outreach
Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology
Somatic Education
Holistic and Complementary Medicine
Environmental Studies
New Approaches to Psychiatry
Race Relations
Women's Issues/Studies

For inquiries about Esalen's public workshops and classes, please visit
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are Copyright © 1999-2006 by Esalen Center for Theory & Research.
All rights reserved.
