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The Institute of Science in Society (ISIS): Science Society Sustainability

Originally posted on by Ron Anastasia on Fri 23 Mar 2007 05:37 PM PDT  

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 Issue 33 OUT NOW!

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Picking Cotton Carefully
Cotton is known as �white gold� in some parts of the world. But the price in pesticides poisonings and the decimation of ecosystems is too high to pay. Only a return to organic cotton farming will turn the tide.
Sam Burcher, 15th March 2007

Prof. Ignacio Chapela speech on the Berkeley-BP Deal
The University of California at Berkeley administration and a small cabal of scientists have struck a secret deal with BP to fund biofuels and synthetic biology research to the tune of $500 million over the next ten years. When this was leaked, it aroused widespread criticism from faculty members and students, beginning with the bad science behind it, which could seriously damage people and planet
Prof. Ignacio Chapela, 12th March 2007

GM Food Nightmare Unfolding in the Regulatory Sham
Regulators such as the European Food Safety Authority and UK's Food Standards Agency have been ignoring the precautionary principle, manipulating and corrupting science, sidestepping the law, and helping to promote GMOs in the face of massive public opposition and damning evidence piling up against the safety of GM food and feed.
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 9th March 2007

Women Confront Aids in Africa
WHO report puts Aids as the leading cause of death worldwide amon g people aged 15-59 , and female HIV infection rates now supersede that of men in some areas. African women are challenging the social issues that surround HIV/Aids to cut the death toll
Sam Burcher, 4th March 2007

Approval of GM Crops Illegal, US Federal Courts Rule
The courts said it three times so it must be true
Prof. Joe Cummins and Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 1st March 2007

Announcing Science in Society 33
GM Free / Rethinking Health / Climate Change / Cloned Food Animals Coming / Science & Government / Biofuels Not Sustainable / New Physics of Organisms & Its Applications / Technology Watch
ISIS, 26th February 2007

Moratorium on all GM Trees and Ban on GM Forest Trees
Genetically modified (GM) trees have all the hazards of GM crops only worse, GM forest trees, in particular, are the ultimate threat to people and planet
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Joe Cummins, 18th February 2007

Desk Top Drug Discovery
How a radical idea that molecules intercommunicate at long distances can speed up drug discovery and cut costs
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 8th February 2007

GM Food Nightmare Unfolding and the Regulatory Sham
How our regulators are ignoring the precautionary principle, manipulating and corrupting science, sidestepping the law, and helping to promote GMOs in the face of massive public opposition and damning evidence piling up against the safety of GM food and feed
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho , 7th February 2007

The Real Bioinformatics Revolution
How a daring hypothesis may rescue bioinformatics from masses of undecipherable and hence useless genome sequences and turn biology and medicine upside down
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, 2nd February 2007

Cloned BSE-Free Cows, Not Safe Nor Proper Science
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Joe Cummins go behind the smokescreen to expose the project which would perpetuate the intensive animal husbandry that created mad cow disease in the first place and is far from safe or ethical in terms of animal welfare
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho & Prof Joe Cummins, 31st January 2007

Global GM Crops Area Exaggerated
Ten years on, and the �growth� in GM crops area is exposed to be more hype than substance as opposition heightens Sam Burcher
Sam Burcher, 29th January 2007
