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'At Any Second,' Satprem on the Mother's words: "There is a CONSTANT Reality..."

Originally posted on by Ron Anastasia on Sat 24 Mar 2007 05:54 PM PDT  

At Any Second

Satprem on the Mother's words: "There is a CONSTANT  Reality..."

Quoted in Auroville's News & Notes:

 News & Notes No. 184 of March 24th, 2007

And we wonder if that mysterious screen is not present everywhere, right before our eyes, so utterly visible and simple that we do not see it – in the sense that EVERYTHING is exactly as it should be, marvellously as it should be, at every instant as it should be, luminously as it should be, without an atom of darkness anywhere: the constant Marvel, constant Light, constant Truth of everything, in the least detail, even in apparent horrors, apparent disorders, apparent falsehoods, apparent pain, apparent death, and it is just...SEEN WRONGLY. And the second it is seen as it is, in its truth behind the falsehood, in its bliss behind the pain, in its eternal life behind death, in its smiling and all-powerful Rhythm behind the chaos, everything is instantaneously REVERSED: there is nothing but That. And the death we were about to enter, the pain or despair we were about to sink into, the physical disorder, illness or murder that was about to strike us and had even laid their mortal grip upon our body instantaneously vanish, disappear, in contradiction of all physical laws, all medical laws, the millions of laws  they no longer are. And That shines. Instantaneously. Everything is the same. But there is no more darkness. It was seen wrongly. It was not seen divinely. Because there is only the Divine. There has never been anything but the Divine, the Joy, the Light, the all-powerful and smiling and peaceful Rhythm.

And we recall Mother's words:

There is a CONSTANT  Reality, a CONSTANT divine Order, and it is only because of the incapacity to perceive it that there is Disorder, the present Falsehood.

A wrong look. And She uttered these mysterious words, now illuminating:

Everything is exactly as it should be at each  second – this is absolute power.

To see that is absolute power. It is the instantaneous overthrow of death and of all appearances. It is the arm of the murderer being stopped short. Because there is really only that. But it's not in the head that it has to be seen; it has to be seen in the body. It's in that state of infinitesimal vibration in matter, right THERE, at that level, that the change must occur.

And She said this:

Perfection is here, always, coexisting with imperfection  perfection and imperfection are coexistent, always, and not only simultaneously but in THE SAME PLACE. Truth is here, Falsehood is here [Mother put one hand on top of the other]; Perfection is here, imperfection is here [again She put one hand on top of the other]; they are completely coexistent. The minute you perceive perfection, imperfection disappears, the Illusion disappears. The vibration of falsehood if it had never existed. The vibration of Truth literally CANCELS OUT the vibration of Falsehood, which doesn't exist – it only existed illusorily, for the false consciousness that is ours...Which means that, AT ANY SECOND and in any circumstances, you can attain Perfection – it isn't something you must conquer little by little through increased progress. Perfection is HERE, and it's YOU who change to another state.

And this is how the world's formidable screen of Falsehood can come undone all at once, in one second, because Perfection is here, in the same place and in the same terrible conditions. One changes to another state.

The world changes to another state. A reversal of states. A world wide coup d'etat. There is nothing to rectify, improve, cure or transform; there is just that crust, that screen of Falsehood to get through, and it's right there, immediately there, the very next second. And the vibration of Truth literally cancels the vibration of Falsehood.

 All at once, it is done.
 There is nowhere to go to – it's here.
 There is no "later on" to wait for – it's here.
 There is no tomorrow, no maybe, no if – it's here.
 But it is in matter's infinitesimal state of vibration that the vibration must change.

Then one suddenly grasps the real significance of the change of rhythm that took place in Mother's body –
She was pulling on the screen of illusion in matter, the little vibration that distorts. The something in the body that
contracts and says no to everything that happens. A little vibration, curled back on itself, within a closed space and
defiant time. And one understands how the world can change...if it is capable or when it is capable of withstanding
the removal of the screen without being blinded.

Not that there will be dazzling lights or dazzling apparitions, certainly not; but the world as it is will be
such an instantaneous marvel that...

 The miracle of the world is that it is as it is.
 The illusion is in not seeing it as it is.
