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ISEC: The International society for Ecology & Culture

Originally posted on by Ron Anastasia on Mon 26 Mar 2007 11:47 AM PDT  

I got to know the remarkable Helena Norberg-Hodge, the Founder of ISEC, back in the 70's, when she was setting up the Ladakh Project, for which she shared the 1986 Right Livelihood Award, otherwise known as the 'Alternative Nobel Prize.'  –- Her selfless, Buddhist commitment to protecting the indigenous peoples of the Tibetan high plateau from Western commercial development deeply impressed me. I'll always remember her inspiring photos of the unique and glowing faces of the Ladakh people who hadn't yet been exposed to Western culture. Knowing Helena, I can unreservedly attest to the quality and integrity of ISEC.   ~ ron

ISEC: The International society for Ecology & Culture

Globalisation and Terror, by Helena Norberg-Hodge, Director, ISEC

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International Society for Ecology and Culture

Promoting locally based alternatives
to the global consumer culture

grain sacksThe International Society for Ecology and Culture (ISEC) is a non-profit organisation concerned with the protection of both biological and cultural diversity. Our emphasis is on education for action: moving beyond single issues to look at the more fundamental influences that shape our lives. Our activities include:

  • Books, reports, conferences and films
  • Local, national and international networking.
  • Community initiatives.
  • Campaigning.

We have worked in more than a dozen countries, from the UK and the USA to Thailand and Bhutan. Our programme in Ladakh, or 'Little Tibet', where we have been running a wide range of 'hands on' projects since 1975, has won international acclaim for countering the negative effects of conventional development in that region. ISEC has now established an 'Ancient Futures Network' to bring together groups and individuals from every corner of the world that are struggling to maintain their cultural integrity in the face of economic globalisation.

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