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Entheon Village at Burning Man

Originally posted on by Ron Anastasia on Sat 18 Aug 2007 02:59 PM PDT  

Entheon Village at Burning Man

Entheon Print E-mail
Entheon Village was formed in 2006 as a collaboration between a group of Chicago-area burners formerly known as BOP Camp, MAPS, CoSM, the IAMU and many visionary artists, swiss meditators and folks who joined from 5 continents to help co-create the experience. Some of the core group of organizers and people who camped with Entheon in 2006 are participating in the project again this year.

Entheon 2006
Evolutionary Center Print E-mail

The Evolutionary Center  is a theme camp that has emerged out of the Greening Burning Man movement, which is focused around creating a more sustainable Black Rock City culture. We are a nexus, meeting point for Evolutionaries… many of the campers at Evolutionary Center are center points of major networks; people dedicated to developing connections and establishing communication to aid in Global Transformation. We are led by Kachina Katrina, Peppermint Patty, and the Burn Clean Project.

Solarians Print E-mail
Solaris: Latin; of the sun

The Solaris Crew hails from here and there, far and wide, hither and tither and all points betwixt the twain. What brings us flocking together in our migrations from so far away is our deep love for the playa, each other, and our mutual creative expression. We have been a part of the Otter Oasis for the past 5 years and are very excited to join Entheon Village in 2007.

Our biggest project to date has been the creation of Abraxas, The Dragamuffin: a totem, vessel, companion, and ultramegasuper portal to the intergalactic dance

This 70ft.-fire-breathing dragon comes complete with dancefloors, a DJ booth, visual projections, a bar, a 10,000 watt sound system, and crew of galactic samurais and warrior geisha empresses. We have been using solar and wind to power our sound and lighting on our other art car Solaris for several years.

We bring our unbridled energy to Black Rock City in other creative forms like making funky music, building sacred spaces and installations, loving our neighbors, cooking for all and super freaky throw-down dancing. Our purpose is to respect and revere our precious planet, love and embrace all humans and divine creatures, and offer a playful environment that encourages transformative experiences.

Abraxas The Dragamuffin

Abraxas the Draggamuffin and her crew
AMO's Next Level Print E-mail

AMO's Next Level is a creative community providing mobile architecture, sustainable energy, amplified sound and artistic content. Our intention is to create spaces and experiences which empower individuals to join together in community in new, and healthy ways. We are interested in created an opportunity for like-minded souls to come together to participate through dance, discussion and rhythm. We provide venues in which implicit rituals and witnessing are created for the participants in attendance.

IAMU Print E-mail

The Interdimensional Art Movement Unified is a group of artists who brought visionary art installations to Entheon Village last year and will be bringing larger and more interactive installations to the village this year.  Participating artists include Robert Venosa, Martina Hoffmann, Carey Thompson, Oliver Vernon, Andrew Jones, Mark Henson, Roman Villagrana, Kris D, Xavi, Vibrata Chromodoris and others.

Mark Henson - Spiral Genesis & Temple of Transfiguration

Art Miles Mural Project Print E-mail

Art Miles is a passionate and colorful ten year project combining the efforts of children and adults worldwide to promote global peace and harmony through mural art. Each hand and every mural aims to create and express a global voice to develop and advocate art rather than violence, cooperation instead of war, and the continuation of life through sustainable development and respect for Mother Earth.

Burn Clean Project Print E-mail

The Burn Clean Project provided lighting for the man base this year, they got bio-diesel onto the playa- many camps, the man base, the staff commissary, and the greeters station all running on bio-diesel generators. They are an excellent team filled with resources on how to go green on the playa, check out their website for more info:

Maui Print E-mail

A group of Maui folks will be joining us (approx. 25).  More to come!

MAPS Print E-mail

MAPS is primarily focusing this year on coordinating volunteers to assist the Black Rock Rangers at Sanctuary. Some Sanctuary volunteers are going to be camping at Entheon, which will also offer a Sanctuary volunteer support area. Other MAPS members and supporters will also be camping at Entheon, as will a core group of Zen meditators who are bringing the zendo.

Ann and Sasha Shulgin Speaking at Entheon
Key Print E-mail
A little nexus of innovators, visionaries, artists, healers, ambassadors, and action heroes, the (((KEY))) Pod is a collective mind-space of ever evolving communication, education, and inspiration.  Here you may find the Keys to planetary transformation, the Qi to undergo healing and awakening, the qui (question of who, what, where) to engage the path forward, the kE (kinetic Energy) to get the job done, and a full KEE (Knowledge Engineering Environment) to do it better, faster, and more efficiently.  Access Granted.
© 2007 Entheon Village
