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Jackson 2Bears: The Technological Unconscious, Animism and the Uncanny

Originally posted on by Rich Carlson on Fri 02 Oct 2009 12:50 PM PDT  

Jackson 2Bears The Technological Unconscious, Animism and the Uncanny

This paper takes an interdisciplinary approach to the question of technology by examining points of convergence between Jungian psychoanalysis and Indigenous philosophy. The theoretical trajectory of the text will consider traditional Haudenosaunee cosmologies as a way of re-thinking contemporary questions about our digital present and future, in turn proposing possible means of engagement and resistance. Central to the text is a critical analysis of select writings on the topic of dreams and the unconscious by Carl Jung, while at the same time reflecting on traditional Indigenous teachings extracted from the Haudenosaunee theory of dreams. The end goal of the text is to develop an Indigenous theory of technology that is faithful to traditional teachings, while addressing the uncanny essence of digitality in contemporary times.

Link to Jackson2Bears
