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Filio's response to Sraddhalu on the SAICE list

Originally posted on by Debashish Banerji on Tue 07 Apr 2009 10:01 PM PDT  

Hello Sraddhalu,

It is interesting to note that you have once again become an active member of our SAICE forum, even though (according to me) it is once again for the wrong, personal and inappropriate reasons.

In your Open Letter you have once again maintained the style and habit of pronouncing your words and presenting your ideas as though they are definite and absolute truths.

I can understand that this attitude and approach of yours might arise from your “profession” and vocation of that of a “Guru”, and due to what they call in French “une deformation professionelle”. But when your words invade my space, like in this forum, you should not be surprised (and go into another prolonged self-exile) if some like myself will present to you a radically opposite view and opinion.

Unfortunately I do not have all the time that you seem to have to pursue such a personal agenda and persecute a “co-traveler” and fellow-member of your own spiritual community, so I will not be able to respond and cover all the points at one go (but however, I do wonder where does an inmate of the Ashram get all this time and which department of the ashram provides so much free time to its inmates for such futile pursuits?). I will therefore like to continue to respond to your Open Letter as and when I find some time in the coming days/weeks.

In the meanwhile, what disturbs me considerably is to see how members of the ashram such as yourself are mindlessly and pettily engaged in persistently attacking fellow members of your own spiritual community. Was it not you lecturing (or should I say preaching?) to an Aurovillian audience that Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga is about Human Unity? I really fail to see how this letter of yours which is full of personal opinions, intolerance and divisiveness will “reunite the Integral Yoga community” as you claim to attempt in your letter. Frankly, your letter to me appears more to be a desperate attempt to try and save whatever you can of what’s left of your rapidly deteriorating reputation (and your latest effort surely hasn’t helped).

On the other hand, I would like to bring to your attention an excerpt from a response to your Open Letter posted by Kepler (whom I don’t know) on the SCIY blog to which I was directed (his full response is available at this URL: https://www.sciy. org/blog/ _archives/ 2009/5/5/ 4175967.html). I find that his concluding paragraph attempts the type of reunion that you claim to seek in a much more sincere, real and practical manner and hope that you can learn something from this:

“…I know people on both sides of this dispute to be people of sincerity, good-will, and genuine devotion to Sri Aurobindo and Mother. It has become a complex issue, and a healthy self-doubt that anyone is totally correct in their particular opinion of all aspects of this issue would help moderate the tone of the discussions and hasten the journey to an eventual harmony.”

I regret to see that a healthy self-doubt and harmonious approach isn’t to be found in your Open Letter and neither does it appear to be a part of your thinking process.

More later,

Best Wishes,

