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Code Drifts: Tethered to Mobility, Arthur and Marilouise Kroker

Originally posted on by Rich Carlson on Sun 09 Aug 2009 03:24 PM PDT  

Critical Digital Studies Workshop, June 4, 2009Arthur & Marilouise Kroker: Code Drifts

Code drift is the spectral destiny of the story of technology. No necessary message, no final meaning, no definite goal: only a digital culture drifting in complex streams of social networking technologies filtered here and there with sudden changes in code frequencies, moving at the speed of random fluctuations, always seeking to make of the question of identity a sampling error, to connect with the broken energy flows of ruptures, conjurations, unintelligibility, bifurcations. When the Book of Genesis gives way to the Book of (Information) Genetics, we are suddenly exited into a culture of epigenesis with code drifts as its primary impulse, all the human anxiety of being tethered to mobility its primary affect, and the novel historical experience of literally being skinned by technology as the body is increasingly wrapped in the new nervous system that is the global data genome.

link to lecture
