
The Politics of Rhizomatic Translation in Abanindranath Tagore’s Illustrations of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

The Politics of Rhizomatic Translation in Abanindranath Tagore’s Illustrations of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam as part of the V ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF CAESURAE COLLECTIVE SOCIETY 10-12 APRIL 2023 ...more

Reflections on the Ishopanishad

Talk on the contemplative philosophy and political implications of the Isha Upanishad delivered to the Vishwaneedam Center for Asian Blossoming on 7/16/23 ...more

Francesca Ferrando and Debashish Banerji in Conversation: Existential Posthumanism: How to Manifest a Posthuman Existence not only in Theory but in Practice

Francesca Ferrando and Debashish Banerji in Conversation: Existential Posthumanism: How to Manifest a Posthuman Existence not only in Theory but in Practice: East-West Psychology Metamorphosis Talk 2023 ...more

Looking Back and Taking Forward: Bauhaus in Kolkata Centenary 1922-2022

Valedictory Talk, Bauhaus in Kolkata: Looking Back to 1922, Sayahana Artists Collective, Charu Karu, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, 1/7/2023 ...more

The Inward Turn and the Radically Creative Posthuman: Bergson, Deleuze and Sri Aurobindo

Aurobindo Ghose: Sesquicentennial of a Transcultural Thinker, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 11/23/2022 ...more

Posthumanism and Indian Spirituality

Plenary talk, New Age Critical Posthumanities: Transdisciplinary Approaches, Bankura University, West Bengal, India, 9/11/2022 ...more

Technology, Singularity and Nonduality

Debashish Banerji interviewed by Kenan Azam for the Potential Paradigms Show ...more

All USA Meeeting 2021, Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center

Debashish Banerji and Robert McDermott interviewed by Julian Lines, 7/9/2021 ...more

Ecospirituality: Environmental Pathways to Healing – Modules 6 and 7: Intentional and Aspirational Eco-communities Debashish Banerji interviewed by Rita D. Sherma. (2022, May) – a video by Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA. ...more

Philo-Sophia: Wisdom Goddess Traditions – Book Launch

Debashish Banerji and Robert McDermott interviewed by Stephen Julich and Jonathan Kay as an episode of Metamorphosis: An East-West Psychology Department Lecture, California Institute of Integral Studies, 2/2/2022. ...more