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Detachment and the Integral Yoga

Transcript of a Talk given at Nainital, India on 8/16/06. Detachment in a spiritual sense is the development of another dimension within us, a dimension which coexists with our active personality but is outside of it. It is to find an inner freedom, to discover a part of the being that cannot be touched by external circumstances or by the outer being’s activities – a separation within between what we know as ourselves in the world and something which is intrinsic and connected to an infinite being, a sort of an immutable witnessing. cheap Lyrica canada

The Promise of the Future

Text of a talk at the AUM Conference, Port Townsend, June 2005 where to buy Lyrica cream

The Divine Mother and the Triple Status of the Supermind

A transcript of the Guru Pershad Lecture given at the Sri Aurobindo Society Beach Office in Dec. 2004, this article links a key chapter in The Life Divine with the Mother. cheap date lyrics

Sri Aurobindo, India and Ideological Discourse

Revised tramascript of a talk presented at the conference Fundamentalism and the Future held on 9/11-12/2009 at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in San Francisco. The first part of the talk ia a study of Sri Aurobindo's nationalism contextualized within the colonial-national interchange and the modern understanding of the nation. This includes a consideration of the nation-soul idea. The second part considers the implications of this nationalism to Sri Aurobindo's social ideas - concerning the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Auroville and, in general, the social context of the Integral Yoga and his vision of the future, so as to engage reflection on the present. buy you a drank lyrics